Members of the Croatian Film Critic’s Association voted for our documentary hybrid, “Between Revolutions”, by Romanian director Vlad Petri, as the best Croatian co-production in 2023. The film won the Oktavijan Award that the association has organized for 32 years and gave it a very high mark (4,4 out of 5). After being proclaimed the best film in the international competition at the Miradasdoc festival (Tenerife), this is already its 16th international award. It is good to note that both films from the dyptych of Mila Turajlić, “Cine-Guerrilas: Scenes from the Labudović Reels” and “Non-Aligned: Scenes from the Labudović Reels”, co-produced by Restart, finished in second and third place, according to film critics opinions. The short experimental documentary “Valerija” by Sara Jurinčić was the second choice (4,17 out of 5) in the category of the best short or mid-length documentary.