Our first short fiction film "Half a Man" by Kristina Kumrić has won 3 awards at Brooklyn Woman's Film Festival, annual event in New York that celebrates films made by women and with strong female characters and themes. Brooklyn Women's Film Festival is committed to promoting the underrepresented voice of independent storytellers to create unique and female centric films while creating a safe, collaborative community for women in indie film. "Half a Man" has won Grand Prix of the festival, Award for the Best Short Fiction Film and actress Janja Avdagić in the role of 10-year old Mia has won an Award for the Best Performance. Altogether "Half a Man" has won eight festival awards so far. Festival also stated that in 2016, American organisation "Women in Film and TV" released a study that showed that women represented only 4% of directors, 11% of writer, 3% of cinematographers, 19% of producers and 14% of editors in American film industry.