While waiting for the official film nominations at the European Film Awards, where our co-production “Between Revolutions” by Vlad Petri is currently shortlisted among the 14 best documentaries, we are happy to announce its 9th award at international festivals. This time, the film won the First Prize in the ‘History Time’ section of the big Spanish festival Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid – SEMINCI with an amount of 25.000 euros for the filmmaker. The jury awarded it for “an intimate and poetic story that, despite its historical dimension, ends up resonating in each of us”. Only a few days before, “Between Revolutions” was granted a special mention in the international competition at the Lima Alterna Film Festival in the capital of Peru, Lima. After the world premiere at Berlinale, until the end of October 2023, the film lined up with 45 international festivals, most of them accompanied by the director, and invitations are still coming. Today, Petri’s film starts the Romanian cinema tour in 12 theaters in at least seven cities,distributed by August Film, while we are preparing Croatian theatrical distribution in mid-January 2024 (distributor is Restart Label).