The documentary film “Fairy Garden” co-produced by Restart, directed by Hungarian director Gergő Somogyvári, will arrive in theaters after its Croatian premiere at ZagrebDox as part of the Pride Month program – 1.6. in Pula’s Kino Valli in cooperation with the Proces association (Projection of the film Fairy Garden | Pride Month 2024), 11.6. in the Zlatna vrata movie theater in Split in cooperation with the LGBT center Split and in cooperation with Zagreb Pride and the Hungarian Cultural Center on 13.6. in Zagreb’s Dokukino KIC with a guest appearance and a conversation with the director after the screening.
19-year-old Fanni was thrown out into the street by her family, because they could not accept her trans-identity. Fanni was completely lost until she met 60-year-old Laci, a lonely homeless man who accepted her as she was. For four years now, like father and daughter, they have been living under the same roof in a hut surrounded by ruins and waste. Fanni – as a target of frequent government propaganda and rejected by Hungarian society – is afraid to leave this hidden garden, the only place in the world where she feels safe. In 2018, Hungary criminalized homelessness and banned permanent residence and sleeping in public places, and in 2020 Viktor Orbán’s government banned gender reassignment on official documents. On the outskirts of Budapest, in an improvised hut and an improvised family, Fanni and Laci support each other through the difficulties and transformations that life brings. Located in the background, people who live on the margins of Hungarian society, their life is difficult – but at least they live by their own rules.
The film will also be available to watch as part of this year’s Kinedok catalog at alternative cinema locations throughout Croatia. You can find more information at