The Investigator

Vyšetřovatel / Istražitelj

About film

Director and screenwriter: Viktor Portel
Idea: Martina Šantavá
DOP: Šimon Dvořáček
Editor: Vladimir Gojun
Sound designer: Dominik Dolejši
Re-recording mixer: Štěpán Mamula
Sound recordists: Filip Ledinšćak, Niko Gulam
Composers: Dominik Dolejší, Adam Levý

Producer: Hana Blaha Šilarová (Frame Films)
Co-producer: Oliver Sertić (Restart)
Creative producer (Czech TV): Martina Šantavá
Executive producer (CzechTV): Roman Blaas
Production managers: Karolína Fránková, Suzana Erbežnik
Associate producer: Vanja Jambrović
Production: Frame Films (CZ)
Co-production: Restart (HR), Czech TV (CZ), Croatian Radiotelevision (HR), Al Jazeera Balkans
In association with Post Bellum (CZ)

Languages: Czech, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, English



Presented at:

Viktor Portel is the director of documentary films and the head of the documentation department of Post Bellum o.p.s. where he works as the producer and dramatugist of the audiovisual content called ‘Memory of the Nation’. Recent projects are, for example, the exhibition ‘Memory of the Nation’ (2018) in the basement of the former Stalin’s monument, the installation Trabi (Signal festival 2019) or the screening ‘Memory of the Nation: 1989 presented on the 30th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution’. As a trainer, he tries to help start documentary projects in places where remembrance is not easy (Russia, Burma, Cuba). He is the author and the director of a large part of the television series ‘Stories of the 20th Century’. For his film ‘The Heart of Havel’ (2013), he won the 1st Czech Press Photo Awards in the Online News and Reportage category. He graduated from the Department of Documentary Filmmaking at FAMU, Prague, Czech Republic.

The Investigator

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