Restart’s projects were awarded at the recently finished documentary film festival, FIPADOC, in Biarritz, France. The feature-length documentary project in production, “Cordon” by Anton Mezulić (Restart in co-production with the French Cinephage Productions and HRT), has won the Doc Around Europe Award in the amount of €3000. “Cordon” was presented at the European First Film Pitches program alongside five other debut projects from Germany, Slovakia, Spain, France, and Italy. Doc Around Europe is a network of six European film festivals (Makedox (Skopje), Docs Barcelona, Biografilm (Bologna), DOK.fest Munich, Verzio (Budapest), and Fipadoc (Biarritz), whose representatives decided on this award. At the central pitching forum (International Pitches), the Serbian-Croatian co-production “Yugo Goes to America” by Filip Grujić and Aleksa Borković (Naked in co-production with Restart and United Media) won the Al Jazeera Balkans Award, which consists of a grant worth €3000 and a direct invitation to the next Al Jazeera Balkans Industry Forum in August 2025.