Restart’s minority co-production, the feature-length documentary film “Wishing on a Star” directed by Péter Kerekes, will have its world premiere in the Orizzonti program of the 81st Venice International Film Festival. The script for the film is written by Erica Barbiani and Peter Kerekes. The DOP is Martin Kolar. “Wishing on a Star” was co-produced by Italy, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria and Croatia, and part of the film was shot on the island of Cres. The Orizzonti program is part of the official selection of the Venetian Mostra, along with the main competition whose films are in competition for the Golden Lion. The program is dedicated to authors whose films represent new trends in expression and aesthetics of international cinematography. This year, the 81st edition of the Venice International Film Festival takes place from August 28th to September 7th.